Why You Should Use a Bully Dog Triple Dog GT Diesel Programmer?Looking to get more performance out of your vehicle? The engine performance programmer is known to do just that in a quick and affordable way, without causing any damage to your car or truck. Besides that, it is extremely easy to use too. All you have to do is plug it in and answer some questions on the driving style, and some other modifications. The power programmer then automatically adjusts the vehicles engine along with the ECU settings to the most optimal level. Today, we are going to talk about some of the benefits of the Bully Dog Triple Dog GT Diesel Programmer in your vehicle. So, lets get started.  100% Plug & PlayThe best part about the Bully Dog Triple Dog GT Diesel Programmeris that its really 100% plug-in, meaning there is no need to handle cut wires, with the supply cable designed specifically for a vehicle, using the exact same connectors. All one has to do is plug it in and youre ready. And if you do need any assistance, there is always a website that you could go through to find out more on the gadget. And remember, if you really think that you cannot fit it yourself, dont sweat it, just go to any garage or get a mechanic to fit it for you. Its really a piece of cake! The Best Digital Option in TownThe Bully Dog Triple Dog GT Diesel Programmer is by far, the best digital tuning system out there, and is much better than your average analogue programmers. There are also many inferior quality analogue designs that are out there in the market which do more harm than good to a vehicle. First off, a resistor in a box can quite easily trip the ECUs cold fuel maps which are within the low RPM range. Apart from that, it can also fool the air flow meter readings as well and really get you into a lot of trouble. Then you have the resistor-type analogue programmer or what is also called the digital chip, which uses primitive electronics and does more harm than good. On the flip side, when it comes to the Bully Dog Triple Dog GT Diesel Programmer, you can rest assured that you will be getting the best performance out of your vehicle without harming it in any way. No Need for a Remap After RemovalInferior quality programmers usually require a process known as chipping. This means that your vehicles Electronic Control Unit is physically opened, which more often than not, leads to breaking the tamper-proof seal, which immediately voids your warranty. Apart from that, standard chips are de-soldered, putting your vehicle in further risk. On the other hand, the Bully Dog Triple Dog GT Diesel Programmers plug and play system works in conjunction with your vehicles original ECU settings, instead of replacing them. It can easily be installed, adjusted and even removed if more performance is needed. Ending NoteIt doesnt matter whether you drive a manual or automatic vehicle, you will find a tuning chip for you at powerchipstuners.com. It takes just a few minutes to setup and you are also protected by the Manufacturer warranty as well, so whats not to like.